Thank you for using MillenVPN. We have recently added the following 5 servers available on MillenVPN Native and MillenVPN Native OpenConnect. *Note...
Notice of Launch of " MillenVPNDedicated Server (OpenConnect Protocol)
Thank you for using MillenVPN. We are pleased to announce that the " MillenVPNDedicated Server" provided by MillenVPNcan now connect using the OpenConnect protocol. We are pleased to announce that the OpenConnect protocol is now available for the " Dedicated Server" provided by .
Notice of Termination of Provision of Some Servers ( MillenVPN Native)
Thank you for using MillenVPN. Due to the aging of the servers on some of the servers provided by MillenVPN Native, it has become difficult for us to continue providing...
Notice of release of MillenVPNapp v1.1.5 for iOS
Thank you for using MillenVPN. MillenVPNWe have updated and released the MillenVPNapp for iOS to v1.1.5. Updated contents (changes from V1.1.4) ・Traditional Chinese...
MillenVPNApp for Android - v2.4.6 released!
Thank you for using MillenVPN. MillenVPNNow, we have addressed the update of the MillenVPNapplication v2.4.6 for Android and AndroidTV. Update details (from V2.4.5...
Announcing the release of the MillenVPNapplication v2.4.2 for Windows
Thank you for using MillenVPN. MillenVPNWe have updated and released the Windows version of MillenVPNapplication to v2.4.2. Updated contents (changes from V2.4.1) *Past...
MillenVPN Notice of Dedicated Server Release
Thank you for using MillenVPN. We are pleased to announce that MillenVPNnow offers a new service, MillenVPNDedicated Server. MillenVPNDedicated servers are fixed servers for the exclusive use of customers...
Announcing the release of the MillenVPNapp-v2.4.5 for Android
Thank you for using MillenVPN. MillenVPNNow, we have addressed the update of the MillenVPNapplication v2.4.5 for Android and AndroidTV. Update details (from V2.4.4...
Notice of release of MillenVPNapp v1.1.4 for iOS
Thank you for using MillenVPN. MillenVPNWe have updated and released v1.1.4 of the MillenVPNapplication for iOS. Updated contents (changes from V1.1.3) ・Korean language...
MillenVPN App for Android - v2.4.4 Released
Thank you for using MillenVPN. MillenVPN has updated the MillenVPN app v2.4.4 for Android and AndroidTV. Update details (changes from V2.4.3...